Update news on April, 12 2024

04月12日: VN-Index rose sharply (VN-Index +1.46%)

  • VN-Index opened and went high at first thanks to the notable buy-up volume kicked in. The market gradually went down later, but the buyer again showed up quite strong before the end of the morning session.
  • The market recovered thanks to the upward movement of the Banking and Real Estate sectors.
  • In the afternoon, as the meeting between FTSE Russell, Morgan Stanley with the SSC regarding the upgrade of the Vietnam stock market on April 11 had optimistic signs, the Index started going higher and higher. Positive sentiment covered the market and narrowed it up further at the end.
  • All sectors turned green aparted from the Retail sectors. The Banking and Financial Services were the main growth drivers.
  • The market breadth included 317 increasing, 143 decreasing, and 85 unchanged stocks.
  • Liquidity picked up 45% to VND 24 trillion.

VN-30 presented a stronger momentum (VN-30 +1.73%)

  • The basket recorded 29 gaining stocks and only 1 declining stock.
  • CTG (+6.53%), VJC (+5.94%), and TCB (+5.10%) significantly geared up the market.
  • MWG (-0.57%) slightly declined.

Sectors and stocks daily highlights

  • The Banking stocks surged as the State Bank of Vietnam considers to lower the required reserve ratio of the banks which will consolidate underperformed credit institutions.
  • VTR (+3.32%) revealed the 1Q2023 business results with favorable outcomes. The firm achieved VND 491.2 billion in revenue (+42% YoY) and VND 10 billion in net profit (compared to negative figure YoY).
  • Foreign investors had a net selling session with a value of 729 billion. The net buying value of net-bought stocks was moderate. In contrast, VHM (+0.79%) was the most net-sold stock with more than VND 200 billion, followed by MSN (+0.14%).



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